Special Thanks

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has helped me get where I am today. Several people have not only supported me along the way, but have also contributed their time, energy, and/or talent into making this website possible and deserve mention. And in no particular order, they are:

Bhatti Ijaz

Bhatti is an extraordinary wildlife photographer who has given me permission to use his talent all over the site. He is a wonderful, kind, caring, loyal person and a dear friend of mine. You will find many of his amazing photos throughout GAFA Wildlife. To check out more of Bhatti’s work, please check out his Wildlife Cosmos website.

Rhishja Cota-Larson

Rhishja is my editor at Saving Rhinos and Project Pangolin. She’s a brilliant, strong, and inspiring gal — not to mention, a fierce powerhouse in bringing mainstream media awareness to the illegal wildlife trade. Rhishja has truly become my mentor and I have learned a great deal from her. She may prefer to stay out of the spotlight, but I’m here to tell everyone that she’s a rockstar with a hilarious personality. She’s also a marketing genius! Check out her marketing blog at rhishja.com

A Certain Someone Who Won’t Want to be Mentioned

This person is the reason that this page can exist. This person has helped and continues to help me with all of the stuff that I just don’t understand. In addition to being a whiz, this person is also one of only about three people in the entire world who actually ‘get’ me. There are things I can say to this person without any fear of being judged because chances are he/she thinks the same! It’s nice to have someone like that. Thanks my bird-loving friend! You are one of the most pure ‘animal lovers’ I have ever encountered in my life and it’s because of you that my eyes were opened to a whole new level of understanding. Thanks for everything!

Pam Krzyza

Pam is not only one of my closest friends, but is also a regular wildlife hero and a spectacular photographer! You will likely see many of her stunning photos throughout the website. Pam and I met when I was in South Africa in 2011 and immediately hit it off. She is truly one of the strongest, most ambitious people I know. Every day, she is helping animals and never gives up — even when there seems to be no hope. I admire and respect her immensely. One of my most favorite memories that I made with Pam was when we had a ‘creative camping adventure’ at the Kruger National Park. On our first night, we were one of only very people at the campground and the wildlife were bountiful — as were their noises. All night we heard lions, elephants, hippos, hyenas — and of course, two male gazelles having it out a meter from our tent (which had a broken zipper and didn’t close properly — but that can easily be fixed with hair clips and safety pins!). The next night, the campground seemed to be flooded with LOUD humans and when everyone finally went to sleep, we couldn’t even hear a mouse squeak! It’s amazing how humans influence wildlife behaviors without even trying. Hey Pam! Pass the plates… I mean napkins… would ya?! 🙂